This is a companion novel to The Wednesday Wars which won a Newbery Honor Award in 2008. It's the late 1960s and Doug Swieteck's dad has lost his job again so the family is moving to Marysville, NY in search of a new life. Doug is sad to be leaving his friend, Holling (from The Wednesday Wars) and Camillo Junior High.  His oldest  brother's in Vietnam, his middle brother is a delinquent and is extremely cruel to Doug, and his mom puts up with his dad's drinking and verbal abuse. Doug gets a job delivering groceries and makes friends with a librarian who realizes he has a love of drawing and is teaching  him to draw by using birds from a prized volume of Audubon's Birds of  America. Doug must keep this secret from his family as his brother and father would tease him for wasting his time. Doug's persistence in the face of serious family issues and be sad when the book ends

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    Robin Mathews

    Mrs. Mathews is the school librarian at Daniels Run ES in Fairfax City, VA


    August 2013

